New Tastes

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Visionary

Mr. Ryder asked us to post about certain topics this week (Drafts, Notes,) and one really stood out to me. He asked us to post about our thinking, and I find this to be really intriguing. For example, how many times has someone asked you to explain your line of though? Bear with me here.

Tell me exactly what runs through your head when you read this post.

Now, take even more time to listen to the song. I will share what I feel after you've had ample time to digest the song below (mentioned in A's post)

and this song

Now think.



make you feel?
                       ask a question?
                                               make you want to cry?
                                                                                    make you want to die?
                                                                                                                        make you want to scream 


but that doesn't really concern either of you because the moments of weightlessness overcome the fear 
and the time you spend in the air 
means more than any
broken bone

You refuse to be afraid. 
You refuse to let doubt into your being.
You can't face reality because you are too afraid.
And by you I mean myself. 


Look at the title. 

So Mr. Ryder, sometimes I stray from my education and listen to some insightful music. Honestly, I worked all this junk out with I was planning on typing up a blog post. I couldn't stop in mid-thought, so I kept going. This is what I got. It may not be the most useful or class related post I've ever put on a blog, but I've learned more about myself than when I started. Funny how it all works out. So thanks A, for the killer music and place to start from.

I look to the horizon.

Sketchnote City

Saturday, November 15, 2014

I Didn't Even Load My Gun Today.

Few things are more rewarding that watching the sun go down over yonder mountains. Ithis moment is a much needed hiatus from college applications and the stress that seems to pie out from them. I enjoy these moments more than almost any other. The solace of the woods welcomes me. The quietness makes me feel at home; safe. 

When I leave the woods today, I will return to the monsters that lay ahead -infringing in my personal freedoms. Nonetheless, I will endure, and continue on, waiting for these moments of natures beauty. Nothing can ever take this away from me. Not even a college.

Now, it is time to go. The sun has sunken below the mountains and the sky is darkening. I will be back soon, oh relaxing wood. I will be back soon.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What Happens When You're Out for Blood

And you didn't get it?

Do you Stay Angry?

Do you hate even more?

Why did you hate so much in the first place?

Did you feel that they were inadequate?

Were you dealt an unjust hand?

Were you insulted?

Were you embarrassed?

Did they make you feel something you didn't want?

Why are you mad?

Did you objectively view the situation?

Are you even that mad?

Are you being pressured to feel this way?

If so, why?

Do you still want revenge?

Is your vengeance even justified?

Are you the most important being in the world?

Can money really buy this too?

Now that you have asked yourself these questions, do you even have a right to be angry? Are your feelings really worth the destruction of something that is so pure and extremely beneficial to this community? Are you really that damn selfish? Apparently you are. The world revolves around you. No, apparently you are the fucking world and we are the blessed that get the grace of revolving around you.

This is what happens when you are out for blood and you don't get it. Sometimes, the other sides prevails and good overcomes evil. Maybe it's not so much that one side is wrong and the other is right. Maybe it's more about the old ways of doing things is actually remembered and valued. Maybe this new age of constant coddling and sheltering is going to make this world a better place. Unfortunately, I don't feel this way. Life is a cruel, cruel being. X/e will not only rip you limb from limb, but take everything you thought you had down with Xe/r. Life is not about those moments though. It's about the beautiful moment you share with your loved ones.

This will not outweigh the good moments. This will fester, but it won't completely destroy. You see, we are resilient. We are built to overcome these moments. Our skin is thinker that your bullets. Your deep pockets can't take away what we have. We've declared victory over this evil.

So I'm sorry for this. I'm sorry you feel this way. I'm sorry it had to come to this, but its over. Revenge was not had. It's done. You didn't get the blood you were after and we are thankful. Now let it go. Move on.

No hard feelings, but you are still an @$$

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I, Photoshop

I really enjoy messing with images. I may not be great at it, but I like it none the less. This image represents some of the poetry that we have read. Death is reaching out to life, or is it the other way around?

I kinda took the same approach as D did in his project. I enjoyed the process, and it appears that D did as well. I don't know what software he used, but he has some skill for sure. D's use of faces really has some similarities with this work (D's third work also uses a face in similar fashion). I feel that faces are an open door for interpretation. They can be taken numerous ways, but are always strangely human no matter the amount of distortion.

I think D and I are really going for the same message at hear. We should not fear life. We should embrace it. Time is short, and life passes us faster than we think.

 'Nuff Said.

Take that Mrs. Dalloway!

As I have been reading through Mrs. Dalloway,  I have discovered that this book is far more cryptic than I have first thought. Mrs. Dalloway -the character- is the narrator in this story, this stream of consciousness, and I've found that her thoughts are jumbled and terribly mixed up. She constantly goes on tangents and branches out from her original idea. Clarissa, why do you do to me?

I've thought about this and I feel that if I try my hand at writing down my thoughts, I may be able to better understand what (and how) she feels about things around her.

Here goes.

Hey look, I just made eye contact with JT. He is talking to Levi who is learn on a green chair. Whoops, he moved it and it made sound that echoed off the walls. Zack had a pedal that did that. Lots of echo. All the echos. What if an echo could feel? Would they be sad or happy? I like to be happy, it is a good feeling. Feeling is nice too. All those emo-punk-new-age-post-rock songs about how drab it is to not feel anything... those self important hipsters. TWINKLY GUITARS 

Friday, November 7, 2014


As I took the AP Form Z exam, I got exactly what Daniel-san was saying. He feel that test are sucking him dry. But the question arises, how much do they suck?

Well, they tend to suck us dry. The suck so much, they actually suck the fun out of our young, virile, and energetic teenage lives. I mean, would in their right mind would let a freaking test suck their teenage years away from them? We constantly toss ourselves into sucky test preps, readings, and meticulous worksheets that have no merit besides their use on the actual test day.

Look at this fact from as an alien sucked in from outer space. Suckish, no? Yes indeed, you intergalactic brain and well traveled eyelids are making quite an earth shattering observation on this issue of suck. The idea of spending a plethora on a stupid (s)ucking test has no usefulness to me, or the betterment of society. So what if a damn sucky college wants your number to be higher. It sucks, it sucks hard but we HAVE to play their game.

Wait,  does the suck have to be real? A wise man once told me "Hit those (s)uckers hard enough and money comes out of their ears" and know I realize what he means. Sucks to be you Colby, Bates, Yale, and Harvard. You produce some of the smartest people in the world, but you fail to realize what your institution sucks at. Your affluent institution sucks at making a kid in rural Maine feel as though they are good enough to attend your school without drowning in a mound of loans (that suck).

You know who's fault this is for sucking so much? Me, I suck at playing the "do this for college" game. I'm not apologizing for this suckish fact. It is what sucking is. An action that sucks crap from other crap. Life is a sucky vacuum. Sometimes it sucks hard. Other times it sucks softly.

Either way it sucks, and sucks often.

(Total number of time the letters S U C K are used in this blog: 30)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

You'll See These Again... Soon

Thought provoking stuff, no?

...Save one.

Thanks for all help. The interviews would have been nothing without your help.

Credit to the original photographers and the website (this one too) that ripped the photos from them.
(where I ripped the photos)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


I had a really, really strange moment this morning. It has lingered at the front of my mind since. At about 2:30 this morning, the wall between the dream world and reality faded. Injury and nightmare became one. A place where pain is not allowed became real, and almost incapacitating.

A injured shoulder should heal with proper rest and treatment, right? Unfortunately, this is not the case. My injured wing has lingered for three years. Don't get me wrong, my shoulder hasn't been debilitating for the whole period of time. Like anything, it has had good moments; pain was not an everyday part of life. I almost felt -if only for a moment- normal.

But like any good thing, this too will not last. In my final football game my shoulder spoke up again as if to tell me my ticket is due for processing. I refused to quit and continued to ignore the accosting words of orator. The louder he spoke, the more I refused to listen. The cost of disobedience was great, but little did I know what was to come.

When my eyes opened, I thought that it was time to get up for school. No. Something was wrong. Very wrong. The usual suspect was to blame, but for a different reason. My first reaction was to get up out of bed; maybe a glass of water would fix this. NO. The orator was exacting his revenge! I nearly cried out in anguish. My worst nightmare was realized; my shoulder was out of socket.

• Shoulder has "popped" around 40 times
• Always returns to for relatively quickly (within seconds)
• Pain was bearable, could always keep playing

From my experience with this injury I knew what had to be done. I needed to get it back into its place. Every movement resulted in sharp pangs, grinding of bones, and little progress. I was stuck on my front, arm extended. I realized I couldn't move with pain. This was not a typical pop out. It was far from it.

Panic. Was I ever going to get back to normal? I looked at the clock, 2:40. My parents were surely asleep. I thought about calling out to them and decided that it was my last option. I needed to beat this on my own. I pushed past my threshold for pain, kicked off the covers, and began the process of beating the orator at his own game.

We were locked in a chess match. Sweat dropped from my head leaving droplets on the board. He wasn't making it easy for me. Every step forward was met with grinding, crunching and more pain than I've ever imagined. I think he took pride in this battle. He laughed at my efforts! I would not give in though, I was too close to be defeated.

Finally, after much struggle and profuse swearing (into my pillow) I heard the clicking noise that signaled the end game; checkmate. With a rush across my left hemisphere, the orator went back to his regular housing; his dominion. I turned to see the clock, which read 3:00. The battle lasted hundreds, if not thousands of times longer than it ever had before. I was drained, and immediately fell asleep.

I've never felt more helpless in my life. It took me more effort to move centimeters than it had to climb mountains. Much like hoe Ender in Ender's Game, I was locked in my position; there was no escape. Ender was relied on by the world. His pain was felt by the world, and he felt the world's. My shoulder effected no one but myself, but the parallel was uncanny. I needed to get it back in so I could go about my day. Ender needed to save the human race (...commit genocide, depends on how you look at it) or there would be none to save.

Either way, it hurt like a Witch.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Other Side of Oblivion

As I sit here in silence
I remember what it was like to run into oblivion,
to throw fear into the wind
and sprint for the unknown,
Honestly, I've feared this day
since I've first laid eyes upon it.

The work
The hours
The love
The passion
have shaped me like human clay.

I regret not the fear I had,
for oblivion is a scary place
-is anyone really ready for it?
But I guess that doesn't really matter now,
because it is here
I feel it
It isn't that bad.
I'd give anything to go back

the tape.
But I can't.

And thats okay
because I'm on the other side of oblivion
and its not so bad.
A new direction will be found
wounds will heal
vocal chords will mend
as will the teeth be filled in.

We will endure
we will rebuild
we well conquer once more
because we embrace oblivion