New Tastes

Monday, June 1, 2015

A Reflection.

In all honesty, I have been putting off these blog posts because i am sad to wrap up my blog. I truly enjoyed the process of blogging. It was a very cathartic exercise for me, and it allowed me to grow in my creativity. I feel that it was a very personal and important of my senior year. Looking back, I realize that some of my posts are dark. Dark as hell. Dark as super dark chocolate on a cold wintry night with Free Throw in the background.

Senior year was a great one, but it had its pretty crappy times too. I feel as if all the worry was rooted in the idea of 'next year' and the realization that I had no great plans after school. That worried me, and I had trouble with the whole process. Eventually, I realized that I couldn't fight the system. I will graduate regardless of if I want to or not. I came to terms with the situation, and I started to look at schools with much more intensity.

Eventually I came across MMA and it was the best fit for me. It offers me adventure and a well paying job. What more could I ask for? All I want is to see the world and stay home (ironic I know).  path will let me do just that. Each day will bring with a new and exciting thing, but I know that no two days will be the same. I am proud to be going there, and I feel as if I am making the right choice for myself.

The lowest point in my senior year came in deep winter. The weather was colder than I have ever remember, and I had little direction. This is where some of my more somber writings stem from. However, I want to leave those behind and make something more of myself than just being an angsty teen in his room listening to break-up albums and writing depressing poems. Looking back, I wish I had just kicked myself in the rear end and moved on. I think we both would have been better for it.

Spring and fall were definitely a high point. Even at this crazy time in senior year (actually, almost every point in time is crazy) I enjoy the constant rush and late night fiestas in downtown Farmington. How many people can say they scooted down Front Street at one in morning? Exactly. I've done more things my senior year than I have ever done before in my life. I have really pushed the envelope and stayed out later than I ever had before. I've never ran on less sleep and I've never eaten more pizza before in my life.

To sum it all up, senior year was one of the best in my life. So many things ended. So many things started. (This is the point where my mom would cry if she was reading this) I have truly enjoyed my time at Mt. Blue and I will look back on these days fondly. It is, however, time for me to go. I have shined bright here, but I want someone else to experience the great things that I have. It is someone else's turn to be in the spot light. I've had so many great moments and I love each and every one of them.

Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Dan Ryder for all his efforts and great teachings during my time in AP lit. He has pushed me to be more than I ever thought I could be and has open channels of thinking that I didn't know existed. His teaching style and love of all things learning was always something that I looked forward to every Gold day 3rd period. I will miss his class and I will remember the movie, projects, annotating poetry, and the late night blog posts for many years to come. Thanks for everything Mr. Ryder, you're truly a great teacher, thinker, and one of the funniest people I know!

Well, I guess this it. I don't know how long  this blog will be floating around the internet for but I hope those of you that have read my posts found them entertaining and insightful.

It has been a nice walk.

-Anthony Franchetti

Boat Load of Artsy Pictures

During the production of FRAMEWORK I made sure to grab a camera and have some members of the team snap some pictures. Here are some of my favorite images from the production.

 We can see here the staging of a very awkward couple.
 No Jake, over there! 
 This is actually a very nice picture of Becky, expect her knee skin is in focus, not her whole body. 
Maybe I should have told Dan about the tripods for the lights in the car... nah

Mmm... auto focus is a nice feature. Also, a low ISO makes for pretty pictures

You can hear the shutter clicking in this scene -_-

My sound men <3

Jake was the adult and made sure that we kept on task. Love you Jake.


What smolder Bdan. What sexy smolder. 

If this was in focus it would almost make up for the previous images

A surprised Aaron!

Who says the Nouvelle Vauge is dead? 

This is how I show the whole movie.Tripods are overrated.

The Future!(?) 

Lights. Camera. Action!

Sorry Bdan. Didn't mean to post this picture.

There you have it. Those were some of my favorite snapshots from the shoot. The whole process was a great one and I hope to be apart of another someday. 

Framework: Completed

Today we went live! The culmination of the past few  day's efforts has all been leading up to this eleven minuet project. In a way, its much like gradating high school. All this time spent in school, and what do we have to show for it?

Hopefully we can look back and be pound of all that we have done. I think our biggest and most great accomplishment is the act of growing as people. Undoubtedly, we have changed over these past four years. It comes in two forms; physical and mental. Whiskers become stubble and muscle get toned. We learn to find our voices and develop friends that will  last a life time.

The movie illustrates this point quite well, in an abstract way. All the props should go to the writing team that really crafted a well thought out story and made the film what it is. I am so very proud to have been apart of this project and it was really great to be able to see something come together through the collective efforts of about fifteen people.

Anyway, here is the movie! I hope you like it and I know that we are all proud of the product that we made. Thank you Mr. Ryder for the opportunity to make this film!