New Tastes

Friday, February 6, 2015

"Thinking Punctuation"

After reading and listening to K's post, I realized that so many thing are lost in interpretation. How many times have we said something and someone else took it the completely opposite way? For example,

"Wow, you look nice to today!"

Complement, right?

"Wow, you look nice today"

Thanks dude. I totally feel the feels...


Where do I get a restraining order?

Inflection and punctuation are so important. One can't see the periods, comma, italics, and bolds in spoken language. Yes, we can infer by using inflection, but it is incredibly hard to think the punctuation that someone is saying. Try next time you are having a conversation. Actually think out the sentence you just said, and the one you just heard. It could actually help you bight your tongue when you're about to say something that makes you look foolish!

I find this tactic really helpful when I find myself in a class that I'm having trouble keeping my focus in. Thinking the punctuation, and seeing the sentence in one's head keeps one engaged in the conversation (really helpful at boy's state... some of those old dudes won't stop talking) and work towards building a valuable next sentence. It is our duty to provide intelligent speech to the masses and become a more intelligent society!

Did you see that movie? Time travel? Average Joe? Gatorade fountains?

Yeah, lets stay away from all that.

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