New Tastes

Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Portrait Worth Painting


Another free period. I'm sitting here in the food court and the table is stick with God-knows-what. Its grosses me out, so I spin the table  counter-clockwise to get to a clean patch of table. The rotation made an ungodly screeching noise; everyone shot a look in my direction (everyone being the operative word). The food court is empty aside from the usuals. There goes M walking to the cafe to get the usual bagel. There goes C. He hates his learning lab so he also goes to the cafe to get his home fries. 

Its eye opening. We are all such creatures of habit. Everyday. Ritual. This really becomes apparent when we are cold. As the temperatures drop we tend to spend more time inside hovering around a warm wood stove stuck in a looped existence of Netfix, bathroom breaks, and the occasional beeping of the oven. The pizza rolls are done.

At first this may seem like a vacation. However, as the weeks turn into months we realize that the nights are not getting any warmer. D eludes to this in his post. This trapped feeling really bites into our soul, and can easily put is in a funk like no other. The cold can wear us down (I think we are all very aware of this). 

There is hope though! We need to use the snow to our advantage. We need to break up the loop! Go for a ski, snowshoe, or perhaps even a night of winter camping? Whatever tickles your fancy... In short, winter can make us all feel trapped, but there is hope. We can escape our warm nest and venture out into the white yonder, ripe with adventure an a dash of beauty. 

Seriously though. Have you ever seen a tree with freshly fallen snow resting on its branches? It is amazing. 

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