New Tastes

Thursday, January 8, 2015

College Update

Some time has gone by, and I am a lot less pessimistic about the future of my schooling. I mean, I'm not equating college with death anymore, so thats an upside. Its becoming something a lot more tangible and closer to home (NOT A UMF REFERENCE). I've been accepted to a couple of places so far and some have even given me some pretty fat scholarships. Getting the scholarship money was/is something to be pretty proud of, and I guess I am. I see a lot of my peer look at college as a sort of game; something to be won or lost. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you! You've worked very hard throughout school and you are being rewarded for you hard work by getting into a very prestigious school. That is something to be proud of!

But no matter how many awesome schools you get into, for the love of God don't rub it in my face. I get it, you got into the school of your dreams and you've got everything figured out. You've got your classes all set up and you're about to make the most important decision of you teenage life; who will your roommate be? Gah!

You are so far ahead of me it isn't even funny. I don't have a clue where I want to go and I'm starting to worry (just a little bit). I understand that most seniors don't know what they are going to do. I get it. I'm just like everyone else? Oh oh, no I didn't mean for it to sound like that. It's just that you are seriously stressing me the $%#& out! Why can't I just know!?!?!

Actually, that would make this whole process pointless. Oh well, might as well enjoy the (not even close to full) ride!

PS. College is now associated with stress. Things are looking up.

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