New Tastes

Saturday, February 13, 2016

To the Week of February the Seventh: You Suck

You ever have one of those, hmmm, how should I put it?

Shitty Days? (x7)

It was so remarkable, that I decided to mark it on the calendar.

Yeah... I had seven of those last week, but I managed to get through it with only one 66 and a severely damaged (but redeemable) GPA. Indeed, physics is a bear., a mutated bear with four mouths and love for all things involving the hunt and deducting points from the unattainable and wholesome twenty-four. On second thought physics sucks, and it is a disproportionately hard class (that many don't need and will not use upon graduation) that we poor suckers pay God-knows-how-much to ruin our fair academic standing. 

Phew, think I got it all there.

Anyway, this week has presented many challenges that I had to overcome, and I did it. It's a good feeling coming out on the other side of a shitty week, because one knows that something better may lie ahead. Unfortunately,this is not a guaranteed fact, but it's close enough to a reality that one clinging to the thoughts of something better will will do just about anything to keep it alive; I hear we will be having buff-chick on Monday at high noon. Yes, the thought of some tasty grub is the only thing that I have to look forward to on Monday. =)

It's not all bad though. I look forward to potentially going up to a neighboring college and spending next weekend with my great pals. The respite is much needed, and I often wonder what it would be like to go to a normal university. I realize that my school is by definition a institution of higher learning, but this is not your frat-boy cousin's school. This is a place that literally crushes you the first couple weeks here, molds you into a student that puts the learned work ethic to the test, and applies every bit of physical and mental stamina to ultimately graduate as a successful member of the workforce. 

Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Yes, these traits will help me later in life and will make me stand out from the crowd. However, I can't say I've never said "what if?" and daydream of the typical college Friday/Saturday night of wassailing deep into the night. Would it make me happier, or would I major in house parties?Honestly, I don't know what would happen, because I would be going to the schools for all the wrong reasons. I came to this school because I think I know what I want to do with my life. Believe you me, the decision was not easy; like nearly every other high school senior, I was unsure of what I wanted from life.

Frankly, I still am, but I am prepared to find out what that means by experiencing a world that lies in uncertainty, storms, and a shitload of multiple choice tests. The whole thing sound sort of romantic (I got calc homework for Valentine's day); at my core, the allure of adventure and the chance to see the world was a opportunity I couldn't pass up, regardless of the initial cost of the typical college experience. I lose this notion sometimes, but it always seems to come back to me when I complete these shitty days. It will be worth it, and I will graduate from this place in four damn years, even if it makes me go bald.

This all kind of came together this Friday, when I was snooping around on Spotify. I love this music app more than any other, and I constantly have it up on my computer. This time, I decided to tune into the Discover Weekly playlist, a personalized list of thirty songs that I may or may not like. Usually, I like most if not all of the songs (you go Spotify robot with kick-ass music taste), and I came across Shit Present's Anxious Type. This song just spoke to me for some reason; maybe it was the title's accuracy in the description of my week (specifically the Monday that never ends) or the sweet punk quality that liberates even the most homework laden student with thoughts of motorcycle riding rebellion. For what it's worth, its a good song worth a listen. Maybe it will inspire you to take a breath and relax for a minute?

They rip. She's got a heck of a voice. Together, they make a fun in-you-face jam that blends perfectly in a musical harmony that compels one to feel happy in spite of the close-to-home lyrics; its says "lets dance even though we've still got a lot on our plate and time is running out." 

Here's to a good week, and everything (will be) is just fine. 


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