Tomorrow is officially the first day of my cruise, and I've never been more ready to sail across the Atlantic in my life. This is the culmination of all my work this year, and I've wanted nothing more than to get to this point. Now that I'm here, the cliche feeling of "Jumping Jehoshaphat this is actually happnin'!" takes over, and I smile at the knot in my stomach. This is what I've urged myself to do. My time to adventure begins today.
During this cruise, I've decided to hold myself to a contact of sorts. If you're readying this, you probably know that I enjoy writing and find it very relaxing. Recording your thoughts on paper/computer is cathartic and offers much in the way of sentiment. Ultimately, my plan is to keep a daily journal/posting and keep it in a word document. I'm trying to shoot for at least five-hundred words an entry, around fifteen to twenty-five minutes of writing and processing the day. I realize that setting a bar like this may force me to feel like I have to write more than I actually have to say, but I want this work to be profound when I look back on it. I want to be proud of what I've done, and have a memory forever recorded on paper (I'm going to need to buy a printer when I get back, damn!).
When everything is said and done, and I've proofread the whole thing a few hundred times, I plan on putting it up on here, and letting everyone who want to read it have at it, It won't be ninety posts, but one large one that is probably more than anyone would ever want to read in one sitting. Nonetheless, I will still print this thing out and have the satisfaction of writing a frickin' stack of paper in a summer.
So thanks Mom and Dad, for coming down today and taking me out to eat, Thanks allowing me to go to some school on the coast that is know for hard work and long summers. Thanks for believing in me and letting me chase my dreams regardless of how far they take me away from you two. I owe you all so much, and I owe it to you to do my best.
That is what I promise I will do.
Wishing you all the best, and have a great summer. God Bless you and may He keep the sun shining bright all summer long. I'll see you all in August, and until then
it's been a good walk.