New Tastes

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mrs. D, You're a Hipster

Mrs. D, you're a hipster because all you seem to talk about is the walls you put up between yourself and others around you. The constant struggle of understanding what is actually going on overwhelms many, but also paints a narrative unlike any other. Through your sophistication we are told a powerful and artistic story, but does it really have to be that freaking hard to read a damn book? Seriously Mrs. D, I'm all for being somewhat cryptic, but would it kill you to dumb it down a little? Actually, understanding what you write has more merit that I could actually hope to achieve. Either way, you book it still critically approved and loved by many, including myself.

Now, time for some mustaches, super expensive coffee, avant-garde music and poor fiscal outlook to complete the hipster transformation.

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