New Tastes

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Escape To Disconnect

"I need you to relax. Please, I can't hold you down while we do this. Pam, please calm the boy down. I can't risk hurting him anymore" a hand runs though my hair. "Shhh son. You'll be okay, I promise. Go to your happy place. Go far away from here...

As I look over my shoulder
I see you
and the sunset
your hair dancing in the wind

The strands do a red tango
across an invisible dance floor
and you whisper something 
in my ear- 
I can't quite place the color
but I couldn't care less.

You laugh at the joke
I crack, and roll over
on your side
messing up the blanket
spread out on the grass.

The wind is picking up-
the dancers are in cut time now
and twice as amazing.
I take a blurry picture 
of you
You laugh at how awful 
you look-
But I couldn't care less.

We see the sun kiss
with the horizon-
and the beach is empty
except for the squirrels above in
the big pine
This is perfect
this is a moment I never want to end

My fingers are afraid
but yours are not
They find me first and 
intertwine like the few
fleeting moments we spend
in each other's shadow.

You stare into the eventide
and you have never looked 
more red-yellow.
I say to myself 
'What a wonderful-'

"You can relax now; the tube is in and you should see that bag fill up with fluid. Call in a nurse when it reaches that line. I know you'll be tough, but we gave you some of these to take the edge off a bit. We're here to help you pal, so don't hesitate. You've got quite the story to tell."

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